
August 28, 2021


A compilation of a large amount of evidence-based comparison data regarding these website builders based on our expert research and detailed Squarespace vs SmugMug website builder study. The key characteristics of the website builders were grouped into eight areas, which are the determining elements in the comparison. When comparing the website builders Squarespace and SmugMug, it’s evident that Squarespace has the highest overall score of 9.80, while SmugMug has a 7.40 overall rating.

Squarespace customers are the most satisfied, with a star rating of 4.4, according to the customer satisfaction factor, which is one of the most essential evaluation components. SmugMug, on the other hand, has a lower customer satisfaction rating of 3.5 stars (out of 5). Below is a more detailed technical comparison of Squarespace vs. SmugMug website builders which is reviewed by Kseniia.

In this Squarespace vs. SmugMug website builder comparison, which factors are most important?

Pricing, ease of use, diversity of templates, site & building speed, quality of SEO tools, blogging & e-commerce choices, app market, and customer service are all important things to consider before picking the proper website builder. It may seem like a lot to think about, but don’t worry – all of these criteria are compared in this Squarespace vs SmugMug website builder comparison.

Advantages and disadvantages of Squarespace

  • It appears to be fantastic.
  • Marketing and SEO for websites are well-integrated, and marketing emails are well-integrated as well.
  • Sites are mobile responsive-without the need for a separate mobile site.
  • Customizing the sites can be a challenge.
  • It might be tough and frustrating to navigate the editing sites.
  • Squarespace has several versions, and it’s difficult to tell which one you’re using. You won’t be able to switch once you’ve started building a site using one version.

Pros of SmugMug

  • Ease of Use
  • Image Quality
  • Storage Space

Cons of SmugMug

  • Clients are unable to “like” images.
  • No ability to charge a 15% fee on everything

Squarespace’s templates are undoubtedly better-designed. They’re also divided by category, with four dedicated to photography websites. While this may not appear to be much, Squarespace explains that you may alter other templates to meet your needs. To do this, the platform provides a wide range of customization options across various parts and page layouts.

Squarespace, like SmugMug, allows customers to modify the color theme of any template. Font styles, section widths, and page alignments are all changeable, and there are many other styles and layout possibilities available. Users will also find a wide list of sections they can add, each of which can be customized.