


As asserted by Forbes, many things in our lives will be considerably different by 2025, as constantly changing digital reality will bring new challenges and risks. Information was always a powerful tool, but it will become even more valuable in the future. What does it mean to us? First of all, we should learn more about new technologies that involve data mining. Today, we will talk about web scraping and web crawling as many people confuse these two approaches.

Web scraping or web crawling?

Let’s start at the very beginning. Web scraping is a method, used to extract data from various sources. Then the information is arranged in easy-to-use formats. Web scraping service providers usually offer a wide range of opportunities, such as price monitoring, brand tracking, and collecting data for research.

Web crawling works like a spider, and it is applied primarily to websites. Web spider (crawler) accesses a site and checks all web pages to arrange entries for search engine index.

Which one is better?

Although web scraping and web crawling use similar techniques, the results can be a bit different. However, it doesn’t mean that one tool is worse than another. Your decision should be based on the needs of your company.

Here are a few things to know about their features.

1. Scraping doesn’t cover all the pages of the website while crawling checks everything to the last page.

2. Data deduplication is a necessary element of data crawling. It helps not to overload the customers’ workstations. Web scraping doesn’t imply deduplication.

3. Web crawling is aimed to index the content of websites on the net, thus they become available in search engine results.

4. Web crawling works better on a large scale, while web scraping is efficient on both large and small scales.

The 404 error can be because of the misspelled URL, or if the requested page is deleted or moved. It means ‘Page Not Found’. Today, website owners get creative with their 404s. With visuals and clever wordplay, some companies create memorable and funny 404s that help to strengthen their brand.

How to fix 404s?

Some errors cannot be avoided like misspells of URL, which always occurs, and you cannot do anything, except create a fun 404 page. You cannot control errors from the client’s side, but make sure your website never contributes to this issue.

Never ignore a webpage you removed, you must redirect visitors to a relevant page. Otherwise, they will experience the frustrating 404 error page and certainly bounce. Thus visitor’s bounce rate increases, and that dents your SEO ranking.

Google never fines 404s per se, but it approves sites that offer the best user experience. Therefore, make sure you handle the 404 errors in the following ways.

Use redirects

Check all the pages and identify the ones that need redirecting. If you moved the page without applying redirect rule from old to a new address, the users will hit a 404 wall. So, to redirect WordPress pages with ease, use a plugin. You can do it manually, but using WP 301 Redirect plugin, the task becomes fast and easy. You get good results.

The WP 301 redirect tool allows the user to control and organize their redirects. Besides, the plugins distinguish between bad and useful bots. The bad bots are programmed and released by cyber criminals and online scammers. They work in different ways ranging from stealing sensitive data and creating adverse effects on your marketing campaign.

The example of a good bot is Google’s crawler. They keep track of page performance and report to SERP central. They help your site get noticed, and offer proper access to seekers who come in search of your products or services. WP 301 redirect tool filters the bots, enforcing the bad bots to stay on 404, so no harm gets done.

Add search bar to 404 webpage

By installing a search bar to your 404 error page, you can take advantage from it. It doesn’t matter if the client makes an error and lands on the 404, you must help them. The search bar will them navigate on your site, and find the information they cam in search of.

Implement sitemap on the 404 webpage

Another way to transform your 404 issues into profit is by developing a sitemap on this error webpage. The sitemap helps customers locate the page they desire to visit on your site. Transforming a 404 into a navigation page helps to increase your chances of conversion or sales.

Monitor for 404s

Users don’t report 404s but bounce off the page. You will need to check for 404s periodically. Be proactive!

Another crucial plugin for your site is Simple Author Box. You will find 40,000+ active installations of authors box for WordPress blog. Bloggers can create themed bios, including creative bio details, to engage readers and build credibility. Guest authors can be added, and even multiple authors can enjoy their participation in a single post. For bloggers inviting guest posts, this plugin helps to make their tasks much easy.

Whether you launched your company only several months ago or you are an experienced businessman with a bunch of successful enterprises under your belt, you know that you should always improve your business. The success of every company has a lot to do with its marketing strategy. How to make your marketing better?

4 creative marketing ideas to boost your business

  • Refresh and renovate your brand.

For customers and potential customers, it is important to know what the company is and does, therefore, you should have an attractive brand identity and refresh it from time to time. Our world is constantly changing, thus it is impossible to establish your brand once and forever.

  • Learn your customers.

There is no such thing as the perfect marketing strategy, which is suitable for every company. You need to do your research to stay on top of innovative trends in your industry. Market research is crucial for your business, however, doing it manually isn’t efficient and takes tons of time. Use to automate the process and give you a feed of news articles, pricing and sales data, and what your competitors are doing. This service can also track competitors’ marketing campaigns.

  • Don’t underestimate the power of your community.

When it comes to a marketing plan, experiment with different approaches. Find local events in your community and participate. Donate prizes to competitions and contests that will engage your community, and make them want to come back to your company.

  • Collect and use testimonials.

Generally, people tend to write and publish negative reviews. However, every time you see positive feedback, make the most of it. Share and post testimonials on social media and other sites. When you have positive communications with customers, they will encourage others to use your services and good reviews online will add value to your brand.


Situations may arise where you have to change the server of your database. In some circumstances, you may have to migrate your database from SQL Server to MySQL. This conversion and migration of the database involve great amount of careful planning. All the planning is required to make sure that there is sufficient amount of performance and reliability. It will also avoid any chances of data loss and corruption during the conversion process. There will be fewer chances of system downtown as well. You will have to face lesser risks.

To make the conversion process of the database from SQL Server to MySQL easy and simpler some special software have been designed. The software have special tools to transfer all database objects from the source DBMS to the target. These database objects also include table definitions with necessary attributes (null flag, default values, etc), data, indexes and constraints, views. Following are some of the basic features which need to be present in the Advanced SQL Server to MySQL database converter:

  •   It should be able to provide you with high-performance database migration for greater efficiency
  •   It should support and work on all Windows including Windows 7,8 & 10
  •   Moreover, the converter should also support all the version of MySQL and MS SQL (including Azure SQL).
  •   For users to easily use the software it should have a user-friendly interface
  •   For automating and scheduling option it should support the command line feature
  •   It should have options of merging and synchronizing the existing MySQL database with MS SQL data.
  •   It should also support for Unicode and complete installation and uninstallation process.

One of the amazing tools which incorporate all these features is MS SQL to MySQL converter. Intelligent Converters developed this tool. This is a software company which specializes synchronization and database conversion since 2001. Thus, it has been in this business sector for more than fifteen years. The company claims that this database converter has all the above capabilities and other advantages as follows:

  •   In rare cases where the MySQL server is not able to accept remote connections, the program has the ability to export data into SQL script file. Basically, in this approach, the MS MS SQL data is exported into a local file. This local file contains data definition (DDL) statements which create tables with all the necessary indexes and constraints to fill them with data. This will help database specialists to import files to MySQL server using the standard tools like phpMyAdmin.
  •   Moreover, in some situations, it is required to convert partial data from tables or merge files into one file. Thus, the converter software helps you in doing so and allows converting the result of SELECT queries which are run against the source SQL Server database.
  •   Furthermore, it has the “custom column mapping” to change column name or type in the final database. In addition to this, you can also specify table type according to what you want such as SAM, MyISAM, HEAP, InnoDB or BDB.


You might be thinking about the possibility to buy instagram likes and this means that you should know what to expect about it and such. In line with this, it would be nice if you can make sure that you know all about it so that you would have nothing to worry about and you know the terms and conditions that you will be getting into. In line with this, here are some of the few things that you should be able to expect when you decide to buy those instagram likes for your posts.

Quick delivery

One of the things that you can expect would be the fact that you are going to get quick delivery which means to say that after you have ordered and paid for it, you will be getting those likes within one to three minutes and this is really something to look forward to. It is truly going to be amazing how fast the likes would grow and you will be getting exactly what it is that you want from it. It would be very easy and you will have no worries at the same time so it is indeed worth the try.


There are a lot of different packages that you can easily choose from so you would not have to worry so much about anything and just pick the one that would be able to help you out most. There are so many things out there that you can select from and you just need to select the one that you think suits what you need right at the moment and so you will get the likes that you will be needing accordingly so that you can get everything that you need and make the most out of it too.


In terms of quality, you will be able to make sure you get likes from people that are really interested in what you are doing so you will feel that your hard work is being appreciated and that it would be of the highest quality. Basically, you get to be able to showcase your talent to the right people and that would be something that you ought to take note of so this is something that you really should take a good look into and make the most out of when you think about it as well.


Last but not the least, you are going to have things very easily, there is no hassle when it comes to the transactions that you will be getting into but rather it is something that you can easily do with not even having to worry about anything at all. The entire thing is pretty straight forward and the pricing is something that you would be able to see clearly as well. You just have to think about what is going to be the best for you and that should be it and you can get it right so do try it out.



Despite the emergence of digital platforms, Commercial 2 way radios remain to be an effective communications tool for different organizations. They are simple to use, flexible, and extremely durable. But one constant point of concern about them is their range — how far can you effectively use these devices to communicate?

A quick scan on the web will lead you to answers that range from two to 40 miles. Nonetheless, it’s important to note that there is no definite answer because there are different factors that need to be considered.

Signal type. Today, most radios operate under these two common frequency ranges: VHF (very high frequency/ 130-174MHz) and UHF (ultra high frequency/ 400-520MHz). UHF wavelengths are shorter compared to VHF’s, and this makes them more effective in penetrating obstacles like concrete, metal, and wood. VHF, on the other hand, can travel greater distances but can be ineffective if there are many obstructions.

Wattage. The general rule here is that the greater the signal strength, the more your communication 2 way radios can withstand the obstacles that their signal needs to pass through. Typically, handheld radios use .5 to 5 watts (as a point of comparison, commercial radio stations broadcast at 50,000 to 100,000 watts). If you are to avail radios with higher signal power, make sure to have more durable batteries. Great batteries are needed to support radios with high wattage.

Obstructions. First and foremost, it’s important to know that radio signals can travel through several non-metallic objects — ranging from human bodies to furniture and drywall. Nonetheless, as they pass through many objects, their signal strength is inevitably reduced, subsequently limiting your radio’s range. Another “obstruction” is the presence of other objects that radio signals find it hard to penetrate. As mentioned, these include metals, woods, concretes, and even landscapes like hills.

Improving Your Two-Way Radio Range

If you want to further the range of your communication 2 way radios, here are tried-and-tested tips to help you out.

Improve your antenna. In theory, when two people who are around 6 feet tall use a typical 5-watt handheld radio (with no obstacles, and granted that they are standing on flat ground), their maximum range is about 6 miles. If you want to reach this threshold, the most fundamental thing you can is to improve your antenna. The added height provided by the antenna will also increase the distance the radio signal can travel.

Use a repeater. A repeater is a device that receives radio signals and re-transmits them with increased signal power. Entities that need a wider range — like first responder agencies — make use of this gadget to improve their communication. To make the most of it, a repeater should be installed in a tower or any tall building.

Invest in good batteries. As mentioned above, durable batteries are needed to operate radios with high wattage. Before using any handheld radios, make sure to inspect the condition of their batteries. If they’re near depletion, you might not be able to send and receive radio signals effectively. You can also use a battery tester to gauge the power level of your batteries.

Commercial 2 way radios offer a ton of benefits to businesses. If you are looking for affordable yet effective communication tools, check out Tidewater Communications today.


Irrespective of why you are working at home, if you are planning on adjusting to work at home, it is simple. What you need are the right tools and processes. All due to technology. Basically, you would need to make a small adjustment, if you are a business owner or manager. However, there are certain things you would need to do, to make the transition easy and encouraging remote work.

  • Follow Normal Routine

Of course, it might be great to catch some extra sleep as you won’t have to commute to your office. Still, it is necessary for maintaining a normal working schedule. Make sure to get up on time, shower, and get ready for beginning the work.

  • Create A Dedicated Workspace

To operate in a business-like environment, you would need to design office space at your home. So, you can work in a comfortable way. Make sure to sit on a chair or at a table, use an ergonomic chair. Ensure that you have good posture.

  • Make Your Files Online

Now you won’t need access to online classes to understand the necessity of storing your files online. Various modern businesses utilize many kinds of apps and software for handling projects, tracking time, and communicating with team members.

When you are working offline, you do have advanced notice about working out of the office. In this case, you must store the necessary files in places where you can access them remotely. Some of the major software providing online access are Dropbox, Google Drive, Invision (for design), Github (for development), and Moqups.

  • Create A Healthy Workflow

As you are your own manager right at home, you must try to manage your productivity all around the day. For structuring your day, there needs to be a clear and defined purpose. The first thing you would have to do is begin with a to-do-list. Here try to segment your task based on priority and plan accordingly.

  • Be In Touch With Latest Technology

You might think that working from home means working in isolation. Well, it is the opposite. The key to successful work from home is communication. Try to make sure that you are aware of the best technology to connect with your team. The same is with employee productivity tracking tools. There is no harm in discussing with your IT team. You can even search online for some of the best team communication tools.

Final Thoughts

For successful work from home or remote working, you need to have the necessary tools. Plus, you would have to do the day-to-day planning for making sure that your remote communication is perfect with your team.




Are you not aware of the recent gaming patterns and tricks? If so, there’s a technique that has been around for over many years that may be able to assist you fight off your competitors as well as keeping your mental state in balance. This is called as the Valorant boosting, but you might have this question on your head about what exactly is this process of boosting and how can it benefit you?

Valorant Boosting is the skilful act of allowing a professional game player that is highly skilled to play on your account in order to boost your rank and get you the superior rank that you are craving. This eminent technique of Valorant boosting is the process by which a professional Valorant player helps you with proper guidance to increase the rating of an account. The reliable websites which relates to gaming offer different methods of Valorant Boosting.

You can buy this technique of boosting for a number of valid reasons. In previous days, this technique of gaming was a very thrilling and easy which could be played at a chill mode but ever since the game of riots added the new Valorant ranked system, it paved the way of frustration to increase among the non efficient players. Thus, not everyone was able to grind the ladders as it became very hard to prove that they are truly efficient at playing Valorant. Here comes the need of Valorant boosting.

Since it required professional help for the not so witty players or new beginners to climb high so this paved the way for a lot of professional players to rightly move into it, and play it fair for you. They continue with their efforts to put a significant importance on safety measures, which includes the VPN protection as well as a complete screening process of Valorant boosters. Once you start climbing the ladder, you will definitely start enjoying the game much more than before.

The legally authorized companies offer very good quality of Valorant Boost services available in the industry. They also continue to hold this status due to a broad range of selection of safety, efficiency, and quality measures. This gaming technique does not only involves your aiming skills, mechanics, your map knowledge, communication and the ability to make use of your agents kit to the fullest potential just in order to be able to ascend to the highest ranks in the Valorant ladder.

Their efficient and skilled professionals provide a guarantee of a hundred per cent authentic cheat-free services which again solely depends on the skilfulness and pro mentality of the efficient Valorant boosters. When purchasing from the verified company, you can ensure that your account is getting the highest-quality standard treatment reasonably achievable. If you have more questions related to the safety features or the boosting process, do not wait anymore to contact to the respective websites of the company which you desire. Generally, the team operates around 24/7 so that they could provide you the best possible service and guide you through their live chat platform.

Before the advent of virtualization and distributed computing, private companies needed to put away their well-deserved cash to purchase their own servers as a major aspect of their business. On the off chance that you have your own server, companies would make use of an IT expert to deploy the same. Simultaneously, it was indicated that most servers were bought to play out specific assignments or run certain applications and rightly so.

In the event that you think this independent company has constrained access to assets, interest in innovation is restricted to the fundamentals. Subsequently, private companies, in any event until the appearance of VPS, couldn’t contend innovatively with their a lot bigger contenders. VPS hosting offers various alluring points of interest for independent companies. 

  1. Lower working expenses

The presentation of the Internet liberates private ventures from the weight of owning and working their own servers. By leasing server PC administration necessities from VPS specialist organizations, they can satisfy the specific prerequisites they require for server PCs. At the point when you set up VPS, you can get the best from your server since you just set what you need. 

As the name proposes, VPS is a private server – your server – that addresses your issues. This is the same as having your own server, then again, actually you don’t need to put resources into the underlying expenses of the physical server, you don’t need to stress over support, you don’t need to pay money related weights to oversee and keep up the server, and similarly as significant: you don’t have to stress over maturing. 

  1. Control stays with you

VPS hosting shares the positive qualities of what is owed to your own server that you have full power over your VPS. In a common situation, you “share” servers with several potential nations. Deceitful applications from one of these nations can close all. Since this is your private server, you can run whatever application you pick on that server. 

  1. Compactness

Basic issues with having a physical server are application movability and speed. You can move the application to another server. The demonstrated favorable position of VPS is application convenience. VPS accounts are overseen by the specialist organization as a picture server. On the off chance that you decide to redesign or downsize your server, your supplier can move your pictures to another server without a vacation. 

  1. Autonomous execution

VPS execution is less influenced by different clients who utilize the equivalent physical server. Whether or not it is processor, memory, memory, or transmission capacity, your VPS is less influenced than different VPS customers from your VPS hosting, in light of the fact that your supplier just allots a specific measure of assets to your VPS. 

  1. Security

Security is a typical issue of every single online organization. This is the principle explanation behind organizations when they have the possibility of redistributing their server needs to outsiders. With VPS hosting, your source documents and information can remain facilitated behind a safe part that can’t be gotten to by other specialist co-ops. The security gave by VPS is similar to having a devoted physical serverless speculation. 

  1. Dynamic scaling of IT with business 

Numerous organizations are patterned. On the off chance that you have your own physical server, you should develop before the server sends. With VPS administrations, you can begin as little as your business can and develop as your business develops. An additional advantage of this flexibility is the capacity to decrease your VPS plan if your organization goes down. 

  1. Include another server demand

At the point when independent ventures discover the advantages of internet exchanging, there is a danger of vulnerability and instability. Developing structures and architecture for VPS  is normal both on the web and offline. What the web brings to the table is the capacity to enter new business openings rapidly. VPS hosting was created for this condition. Include new VPS varying. Download them when you no longer need them. Take speculation dangers from the condition. Include the specific measure of VPS overhead in the event that you have to pay to make sure about it.


We hope you have now understood why VPS hosting is one of the fnest choices for companies in South East Asia. If you still have any doubts, do write to us in the section below with your questions and/or feedback. 

Times are tough now. With millions of Americans stuck at home, uncertain if they still have jobs to go back to after this bout with the novel coronavirus. Some have taken up part-time work to help mitigate the financial impact of the pandemic, while others have started an entirely new career out of the need for survival. 

That’s the new normal now. Survival

Perhaps the easiest way to get work is to go online and search for online freelance jobs you can do. Several good job opportunities are found in the virtual world. People are starting to flock to the online world to make a living at least for the time being. 

If you take a gander at what job opportunities are available online, you would be surprised at how easy most of these are. Whether these jobs have something to do with content marketing tasks, digital and graphics layouts, Sitefinity CMS, or virtual assistance, most of those who are knowledgeable about computers won’t have a hard time.

But what about those who are not as tech-savvy as the others? We have listed a few things that might be helpful for those who are technologically challenged. 

7 Simple Things to Know about Computers for Online Work

  1. Get to know search engines.

One of the most important things you need to learn fast is how to fully utilize search engines and make it work to your advantage. It’s more than just typing in addresses or keywords. You must learn how to filter good results from the bad ones. Working with advanced search settings also helps improve your browsing experience. 

  1. Learn Word Processing and Spreadsheets.

Most online work has to do with these two, except for digital and graphic arts. The most common online freelance gigs such as writing, virtual assisting, and transcribing all utilize word processors and spreadsheets

  1. Get acquainted with browsers. 

If you expect to work online, you should have a better understanding of browsers to help you access unlimited information. Using bookmarks, opening links in new windows, clearing your browser’s cache, are some of the things you need to know. 

  1. Find out what the common keyboard commands are. 

Since you will mostly be working with a set of keyboards, knowing some basic keyboard commands and shortcuts will help save you plenty of time instead of using the mouse every time to click on the drop-down menus. 

  1. Learn the basic hardware terms. 

We know it can feel quite alienating whenever people talk about their computer set-ups at home or the specs on their machines and all the other hardware they have. While you don’t really need to go all-out IT on this one, it helps if you know the difference between a hard disk drive and an actual computer unit. 

  1. Understand the basics of network diagnostics.

When you start working online, you will inevitably encounter network problems. This is where some knowledge about network diagnostics comes in handy. In fact, you don’t need to be a Cisco expert. You just need to learn the basic troubleshooting methods to get you out of a jam. Get some basic knowledge about how to find out what your IP address is and verify physical network connectivity among others.

  1. Identify which cable goes where. 

This may be easier to some especially with the fact that cords can only be plugged into very specific ports on your PC. However, some folks are still struggling with this. Know which cable connects to which port. 

We hope that you find these tips useful and help land you an online job.